Registering Your Service with Freja

To be able to use Freja for authentication and signatures in your service you need to register your service with us. You do so by registering as a Relying Party (RP) with Freja.

This process comprises several steps, including signing a Relying Party contract, but to get things going on the technical side, we need you to send an e-mail to with the following information:







RP Name

The name of your company (100 characters maximum). The RP name of RP is shown in the Freja mobile app as part of login transaction and in My Pages web app in section for managing services and previewing transaction history.




The URL you wish to be displayed to users in Freja e.g. your website or login page.



RP description

A brief description of your company, (500 characters maximum). This description is shown to end users in the service preview section of Freja’s My Pages web application.



RP logo

The logo of your company, ideally in SVG format, alternatively PNG, no larger than 1.5MB. The logo helps the end user identify what service they are authenticating to or signing for when prompted to do so in their Freja mobile application, and also to easier identify actions in the action history of Freja’s My Pages web application.



In addition to the above, please specify in your email whether you want to be registered as:

  • A Standalone RP: you will manage your own client SSL certificate for connecting to Freja, and will connect your own service to Freja;

  • An Integrator RP: you will manage your own client SSL certificate for connecting to Freja, but rather than having your own, you are hosting a common service for one or more Integrated RPs; or

  • An Integrated RP: you will not manage your own client SSL certificate for connecting to Freja; instead, your service is provided by an Integrator RP already connected to Freja. If so, we need to let us know the RP Identifier of your Integrator RP.

An Integrator RP cannot initiate actions with Freja. If you are an integrator that hosts a service for others but also want to provide a service of your own to end-users you will need to register both as an Integrator RP (to be able to connect to the Freja infrastructure) and Integrated RP (to be able to initiate actions towards the API endpoints).